
Bob Dylan Questioned By Jersey Cop, “Don’t You Know Who I Am?” Didn’t Work


Bob Dylan decided to take a stroll through a Long Beach, NJ neighborhood yesterday but his scraggly appearance concerned residents, who called the police. A 22 year-old female police officer showed up to question the eccentric looking folk singer. Dylan reportedly showed the cop his i.d., but the name didn’t ring a bell.

She gave Dylan a ride back to his hotel so that he could provide her with proof of his identity, while she radioed back to the station to ask who this ‘Bob Dylan’ character was. Even after her colleagues rattled off his songs, his credentials, how only an idiot doesn’t know who Bob Freaking Dylan is, she still was suspicious.

The 68 year-old singer was let go, but the cop may never be able to show her face at the station again.

Dylan was in Jersey for a concert with Willie Neslon and John Mellencamp, but that’s the official story. Maybe he was in the town to burglarize several homes, and this lone female cop (who plays by her own rules) is the only one who can stop him? GET MY AGENT ON THE PHONE, I’VE GOT AN IDEA!

Source: Daily Mail

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