
Megan Wants a Millionaire Contestant Possibly a Murderer? (Don’t Pick Him, Honey)


Megan Wants a Millionaire is a dating show where former Rock of Love contestant Megan Hauserman tries to find herself a man with money in order to fulfill her inspiring dream of being a trophy wife. One of the contestants is getting a lot of attention, not from Megan but from the police.

Ryan Jenkins, known as the “Smooth Operator” is wanted for questioning in the death of model Jasmine Fiore.

Fiore’s body was discovered on Saturday in a dumpster in Buena Park, CA, just outside of Los Angeles. Fiore was a model who had recently relocated from Las Vegas to Los Angeles in order to start a personal training business. Jenkins met Fiore in Vegas, and was either her boyfriend or her husband according to some reports. Jenkins reported Fiore missing, but he himself has disappeared, causing police concern.

Jenkins is Canadian, and police fear he might have fled north.

Jenkins was eliminated early in the show, but maybe some VH1 fan will spot him and turn him in. Fiore deserves justice.

Source and Picture: LA Times Blog

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