
What the Hell?! Michael Jackson STILL Isn’t Buried PART 2


Previously on What the Hell?! Michael Jackson STILL Isn’t Buried…

Oh my God. This never ends. Michael Jackson’s burial date has been pushed back – again – to September 3rd, and this Hollywood Reporter column has a good theory as to why: it’s a Jehova’s Witness thing. See, that silly sect of Christianity believes that celebrating your birthday is un-Christ like. (I guess Christ was not the biggest fan of cake.)

MJ was scheduled, after a good near two-month chill-out session in the coroner’s fridge, to finally start his dirt nap on August 29th – what would have been the singer’s 51st birthday. But that might be too close to a birthday party for Katherine Jackson, still a member of the religion her son left in 1987.

Jeez, Katherine, it’s not like people sing “happy planting to you” as the casket is lowered or throw gift-wrapped iPods into the plot.

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