
Great News for Dorks – the Kids in the Hall Are Coming Back


Rejoice, nerds – the comedy troupe The Kids in the Hall are reuniting for an 8-part funny murder-mystery to air on CBC. That’s like NBC, but Canada.

For our younger Starzlife readers, The Kids in the Hall are a sketch quintet hailing from our neighbors to the north. They had a self-titled TV series on from 1988-1994 which also ran stateside on HBO and Comedy Central. Sometimes when you would watch it on Comedy Central there would be bleeps because you can say profanity on television on Canada.  There is nothing else commendable about Canadian television.

The series, titled Death Comes to Town, is about a killing spree in a small town. Well, that’s confusing. Haven’t they seen Bowling for Columbine? Then they’d know that Canada is a crime-free idyll because their citzenry can’t possess weapons.  I’m predicting a hockey-skate-blade-through-the-heart death scene or two. I’m also predicting that I’ll never know one way or the other because I’m predicting that this won’t get shown stateside. It’s a good thing the target demo for this – dweebs – knows how to torrent.

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One Response to Great News for Dorks – the Kids in the Hall Are Coming Back

  1. August 23, 2009 at 3:04 pm #

    I knew it! Just from the lame heading, I knew this junior high mess was written by Grant. Of course, I didn’t waste my time reading it as soon as I saw the name. I used to like this site until your writing started wasting space on here, Grant.

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