
It Costs $4.6 Million to Sleep With Marilyn Monroe


The crypt directly above Marilyn Monroe‘s has sold for $4.6 million dollars on Ebay to an undisclosed, gay buyer.

The crypt, currently occupied, was put on the market by Ms. Elsie Poncher, the widow of its inhabitant. The 80-year-old sold the space to raise cash to pay off the mortgage on her Beverly Hills home. Yes, she’s 80 and still paying off her mortgage. Do 150 year fixed-rate mortgages exist? I could probably nab a mansion for 500 bucks a month and 20 dollars down if they do. Oh, who am I kidding, I’d still default.

The crypt’s current resident, Richard Poncher, bought it from Joe DiMaggio in 1954 when the baseball player sold both the space and the one next to it during his divorce from Monroe. Richard told his wife that if he was not placed upside down in his crypt so he could face Marilyn for eternity, he would haunt his wife for the rest of her life. He also wanted his wife’s remains entombed next to him. To summarize: he wanted to be buried next to his wife, facing Marilyn Monroe. I can’t believe his widow is selling.

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