
Only Eric Clapton and Metallica Themselves Would Pay $100,000 to See This Concert Featuring Them


The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is throwing a little fundraiser to plump its coffers. Tickets cost $100, 000 dollars. For that cash, you get to see Bruce Springsteen, U2, Metallica, Simon and Garfunkel, Eric Clapton, Crosby Stills Nash & Friends, Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin.

I would only see that concert if it were 1.) free, 2.) within walking distance of my apartment, 3.) I knew exactly when U2 was going on, since that’s the only band I could actually watch and enjoy, 4.) I could sit down without the wife of an industry exec standing up in front of me, swaying to Stevie Wonder, blocking my view, eventually forcing me to stand up as well, and 5.) – and this absolutely the most important one – I had backstage passes so I could eat from the turkey sandwich platter Eric Clapton probably gets at every show WITHOUT having to talk to Eric Clapton.

This isn’t a benefit for the building in Cleveland, it’s for the “foundation” that Jann Wenner currently oversees. Jann Wenner is the editor-in-chief of Rolling Stone. Their new cover story is titled “Why The Beatles Broke Up.” It’s 2009. It should be titled, “Why Grant Won’t Be Renewing His Rolling Stone Subscription.”

Source: THR Showbiz 411

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