
Kate Gosselin Opens Up To America And America’s Oldest Man

Kate Gosselin made an appearance on The Oldest Man On Television’s CNN show Tuesday night.

The reality star with the scary haircut, and star of ‘Jon & Kate Plus 8’ checked into The Larry King Show and continued her tirade of hate tour against cheating husband Jon with a number of carefully thought-out responses about her flailing marriage.

Larry pulled out no punches when it came to questions. Actually, judging by the could-care-less look on his face, he could have been reading a print-out to Princess Diana – though that didn’t stop the old man from firing the good ones.

Ask Larry: Is Jon a good father?

Replies Kate: “He is. His decisions right now are not ones I would necessarily make, but deep down in my heart I know he is.

Asks Larry: Is this marriage over?

Long pause. Replies Kate carefully: “I am not yet divorced. Officially.

Asks Larry. Does she think she’ll have a problem finding another man. Despite being attractive and coming with 8 kids?!

Replies Kate (with a bit of a guffaw): “I’m lonely, but I’m very busy. I’m alright.

What do you think of Creepy Kate? On a scale of 1-10 (50 being the highest) how much does she bug?

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One Response to Kate Gosselin Opens Up To America And America’s Oldest Man

  1. August 26, 2009 at 1:08 pm #

    I had the misfortune of tuning into Kate’s ridiculous interview. The best part of the whole thing is your blog, Mackenzie! Hilarious! Larry King’s posturing was “who the hell is this woman and why should I care?” Kate’s attempt at being coy just made her more obnoxious and boring than ever and it made me think her husband wasn’t such a bad guy after all! Broken home, divided parenting, public spats, name calling…..none of it is as bad as that offensive, heinous hair “style.” I can’t stand her and would never watch that show.

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