
They Really, Really, Really Hate Heather Mills in England


Hating Heather Mills (“Pogo Ono” – copyright Greg Proops) was in fashion stateside during her split from Paul McCartney, but it’s a national passtime in her home country. To wit: the gold-digging bitch (oh, by the way, I don’t like her, either) just released her own fashion line in England, and the Daily Mail‘s headline is “Is this the worst celebs clothes line ever?” Answer: I don’t know, but she sure sucks.

A sampling of comments:

what a great idea!
what a horrible result.
heather – why are you still here. go away and leave us alone

I would think this is designed to antagonize Stella McCartney. However Heather Mills has at least done what she set out to do, be famous, even if it’s for being an annoying ‘Z’ list celebrity!

Absolutely ridiculous. Atrocious. Gaudy. Tacky. Cheap.

But because it’s Friday I will make a positive comment: at least she used models that look like they would have the strength to go shopping for new clothes.

another over paid, under talented person forcing their dreadful taste on us lesser mortals – Lord help us.

The fact that she debuted her new collection in Hollywood and not New York or London say’s it all. The LA shows are a total joke, it’s where washed up actors or actresses, or anyone off the street for that matter who suddenly found their calling in fashion can show their trash. Notice that Posh may live in LA, but she shows in NYC. She knows these shows are laughable.

The clothes are ok, but do we HAVE to see her face?


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