
Hollywood Remembers DJ AM


A number of celebs tweeted their shock and sadness at the death of their friend, DJ AM this weekend.

Some of the tweets:

From John Mayer: “My tribute to AM? I’m going out tonight without a watch. He’d know how huge that was.”

From Guy O’Seary (Madonna’s manager): “DJ AM- You sent me a message a few days ago about going to Israel. When I get there I will think of you and pray for you. God bless you. RIP”

From Demi Moore: “How fragile life is & how easy we can take it 4granted Take a moment 2appreciate all that U have &remember 2 tell those close 2 U-U luv them”

and: “The shock of DJ AM has me at a loss for words…his joyous spirit was a gift to us all!”

From Ashton Kutcher: “much love to my boy AM”

From Lindsay Lohan: “last weekend and this week have definitely left some unforgettable scars”

and ex-girlfriend Mandy Moore released the following statement:

“I am absolutely heartbroken. For those of us lucky enough to have known him, Adam radiated a contagious exuberance for life and also personified the very definition of a true friend. To say that he will be missed beyond words is an understatement. My heart goes out to his loved ones.”

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