
Noel Gallagher Speaks on Oasis Split

Just to give you a heads up, Oasis is my favorite band and I’ll probably be writing about them every time a new piece of information becomes available. Rock and roll. Deal with it.

Noel Gallagher, London, 2005

As you may or may not know, Oasis, the greatest British band of the 90’s, effectively broke up recently when the principal songwriter/part time singer/full time genius Noel Gallagher quit the band. Noel’s relationship with his brother Liam reached its breaking point when Liam reportedly smashed Noel’s guitar before they were scheduled to play a show. Somewhat fitting for a band that covered “My Generation”; very fitting for someone somewhat stupid.

Noel explains the break via his blog:

I feel you have the right to know that the level of verbal and violent intimidation towards me, my family, friends and comrades has become intolerable.

A return to full-blown, abusive alcoholism on Liam’s part is the purported engine behind said abuse.

Personally, I’m happy they’re over with. Noel once said he wouldn’t write a solo album until Oasis was over. Get to it, Noel.

How about you, loyal Starzlife readers? Do you care one way or the other?

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