
A Paris Hilton/Porn Story Where Paris Isn’t Doing the Porn


Paris Hilton has a reality show on MTV titled Paris Hilton’s My New BFF. You might think “BFF” stands for “Bentley Father Financed,” but it’s “Best Friend Forever,” although in this case “Baby Female Fondler” would be closer to the mark – some moron is going to spend five years in the clink for including child pornography in his online application to be a contestant.

Josiah Samuel Stevens Conroe, a pedophile with twice as many names than necessary, uploaded a picture of a prepubescent female engaged in sexual activity to his public profile on the show’s site. Someone either tipped the Feds or they discovered the pics when uploading their own applications. A search of Mr. Samuel Stevens Conroe’s computer followed, turning up a stash of more illegal XXX. This small slice of actual reality is the most interesting bit of reality entertainment produced by MTV in the last decade.

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