
Palin Porn: Levi Johnston Talks About His “Johnson”!


Sarah Palin‘s cute-lookin’ Alaskan kin, Levi Johnston, whose 15 minutes of fame is rapidly hitting the 14:59 mark, recently posed for Vanity Fair.

That article, entitled “Me and Mrs. Palin” also included a gratuitous photo shoot, with Johnston dangling dangerously over a Manhattan building. And to accompany that gratuitous photo shoot? Exclusive Behind The Scenes footage (which we have here) where there’s talk of how big Johnston’s “Johnson” is.

Some of my favorite quotes from the article? Levi on the Palin household:

There wasn’t much parenting in that house. Sarah doesn’t cook, Todd doesn’t cook—the kids would do it all themselves: cook, clean, do the laundry, and get ready for school.

and this story that makes Sarah look like she’ll soon be coming to an episode of Desperate Housewives:

Sarah told me she had a great idea: we would keep it a secret—nobody would know that Bristol was pregnant. She told me that once Bristol had the baby she and Todd would adopt him. That way, she said, Bristol and I didn’t have to worry about anything. Sarah kept mentioning this plan. She was nagging—she wouldn’t give up. She would say, “So, are you gonna let me adopt him?” We both kept telling her we were definitely not going to let her adopt the baby. I think Sarah wanted to make Bristol look good, and she didn’t want people to know that her 17-year-old daughter was going to have a kid.

Oh No She Did-N’T!

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