Attention Archie Fans: Tim Gunn Gets a Comic Book


“We’re in danger! Call a 56-year-old gay man!” is not something you usually read in superhero comics, but Marvel was just bought by Disney, and Disney is repeatedly described as the most gay-friendly company in showbiz, so get ready for a Tim Gunn comic.

Loaded Gunn is not about a permanently drunk Tim Gunn – it’s about Tim’s quest to save an exhibition of superhero clothes from the bad guys. As if fashion weren’t exclusive enough. Now those overpriced, unwearable clothes are for superheros?! Will there be a bridge line available at Target?

In case you were wondering, Tim Gunn says the two biggest crimes against fashion are ill-fitting clothes and Crocs. So I guess we’ll see Loaded Gunn try to teach both gang members and Midwesterners a little something about how to dress themselves, followed by him getting beaten up by both.

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