
Dr. Oz: “O-Revoir Oprah!”


Dr. Mehmet Oz is moving away from the cozy bosom of Oprah Winfrey and branching out on his own.

The Dr. Oz Show” debuts September 14 and stars Dr. Mehmet Oz. No Oprah on the side.

Reports are coming in that Dr Oz – who wants the show to focus on healthcare in an entertaining fashion – is quite the food nazi. Sources say that doc has banned all junk food from craft services and replaced the bowls with fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.

We wish Oz the best of luck and hope his show doesn’t take the same turn as that other Oprah spin-off: trash-talkin’ “weight-loss” guru, Dr. Phil. Paging Dr. Phil: If you’re gonna talk about weight loss, you might want to lose that beer gut! (Maybe ask Dr. Oz for some craft services table advice.)

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One Response to Dr. Oz: “O-Revoir Oprah!”

  1. September 14, 2009 at 6:45 pm #

    Dear Dr. Oz:

    I looked at your show today and it was amazing and informative. I have benefitted a lot from the show, it give you an inside view of what a tumor in the uterus looks like among other things. The show was awesome from the beginning, and ended on a very positive note. Thanks Dr. Oz, please continue the good works. I would like to be on your show but the only problem I live in Brooklyn.

    Lorna R.Jones

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