
Lucy Hale to Ashlee; Suck it Simpson!


Okay, not really, actress Lucy Hale gives us no reason to believe she’s noting but a kind hearted young girl based on her tweets, and would probably never say “suck it” to Ashlee Simpson,  but in a world scripted by fans of the now canceled CW show Privileged,  a celebration would be in order due to the ratings report from the show that took their place.

Melrose Place premiered last night do dismal ratings, following a season premiere of 90210 that did just the same.  Down from 3.9 million viewers to 1.6 from last years series premiere.

In fact, the premiere of Melrose Place, a show established from the 90’s, was 37% lower than the premiere of Privileged, a show with a bunch of fairly no named actors,  last year!

So what has people non-interested in Melrose Place?  The fact that it was always just “ehh” compared to 90210 even in the original days?  Or the lack of original stars who have signed on to the remake creating no hype?

Did any of you watch?   Like most of you,  I watched 90210, and just recorded Melrose for a later viewing if I get around to it.

The CW should have kept Privileged on the schedule!   Hopefully they didn’t blow it with this Melrose re-make!

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