
Tila’s Twitter Takeover: Awesome or Annoying?


If Tila Tequila is anything in real life like she was on Twitter last night, well lets just say certain things wouldn’t be a surprise!

The reality star took over twitter last night by having a re-tweet session with her followers.

It all started when she left a shout out to Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad OchoCinco wishing him and his team well this weekend, when she began to get @replies from her followers who were fans of other teams.

By the end of the night, about 200 Re-tweets later, Tila had become the most annoying person in the entire world, and #Chargerssuck had become a trending topic on the popular social networking site.

For those who don’t follow the NFL, The Chargers are the home of Shawne Merriman, the man accused of choking her and beating last week.

Tila got a bit more childish as the night went on, even sending @replies to Shawne,  telling him that his team sucks.

Though there were no signs of injury the night of the incident and Merriman was released from the police shortly after, Tila still insists that she is the one telling the truth, and he is the one making the lies.

If this is her latest famewhore plan, it’s working!  Good luck getting a judge to take your side with no evidence though.   People are sticking up for him, not one person has come forward as a witness on your behalf.

Tila’s latest post this morning; A real man is able to apologize. A real woman is able to forgive and accept the apology…….

Umm… The lights are on in Tila’s head, but nobody seems to be home.


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One Response to Tila’s Twitter Takeover: Awesome or Annoying?

  1. September 19, 2009 at 5:56 am #

    I remember Tila when she was an up-and-coming import model. She had ambitions even then. She IS a famewhore. What’s surprising about these pseudo celebrities is that they have achieved some semblance of fame (undeservedly so) despite doing nothing.

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