
Kudos To Kanye! Mr. West Makes MTV Awards Great

Everyone is up in arms about Kanye West’s Tayor Swift diss at the MTV Music Awards. But here’s a point. He was right! Beyonce created one of the most iconic videos in history and a whining tween bubblegum star takes Top Prize. It Ain’t Right! And Hell to the Yeah to Kanye for pointing it out!

Granted his sabotage of Taylor Swift’s speech wasn’t polite, but this is Rock ‘N’ Roll! It’s not meant to be polite! And Taylor Swift’s end speech was the sort of whiney thank you you’d expect at a christian barn dance. She should have at least acknowledged Beyonce’s gesture to give her her “moment” and/or she should have paid reference to Single Ladies for being the far superior video. And – if she was a true broad – she should have told Kanye where to stick it!

Kanye, you are a true rock ‘n’ roll hero. And thanks for making the M (for Medicocre) TV awards watchable.

What do you think?

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3 Responses to Kudos To Kanye! Mr. West Makes MTV Awards Great

  1. September 13, 2009 at 11:17 pm #

    Mackenzie, it’s unimportant that you’re in the minority in your support of the beyond-pathetic West because YOUR whining about Taylor’s win is simply stupid. The votes were counted and the winner was announced. Is this an election up for debate or a recount? No. It’s a silly awards show that’s not even really about the winners as much as it is about the spectacle of the event. Taylor Swift is 19 years old and far more successful than you are, so stop your whining about who should have won. West wasn’t rock-n-roll tonight – he was simply childish and embarrassing to himself…as always. Anyone who thinks that humiliating a 19-year-old girl is a good thing is small-minded.

  2. September 14, 2009 at 7:54 am #

    AMEN!! That Taylor Swift song sux. I’m not a Beyonce nor a Kanye fan but he was telling the truth! I totally agree with u.

  3. September 14, 2009 at 10:34 am #

    Umm.. that beyonce video isnt even that good? just some youtube sensation for the gays who sit on youtube all day jerking off.

    Did it have the potential to win last night for 08/09 ? Sure, but it didnt. Taylors did. Kanye sucks for what he did.

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