
Kanye Apologizes On Leno; Leno Hits Below The Belt

Kanye West has apologized again for his Taylor Swift stage crash.

The disgraced performer went on the dead-boring Jay Leno show and discussed the incident with grace, including a below-the-belt question from Leno about how what his late mother would have thought of the debacle. Bringing up his dead mother? Joan Rivers was right, Jay!  Not only are you putting America to sleep, but you’re offending your guests!

On the “incident:”

It’s been extremely difficult just dealing with the fact that I hurt someone or took anything away from a talented artist. I’ve only wanted to help people my entire live. Give or do something that I felt was right. I immediately knew in this situation that it was wrong. It wasn’t a spectacle; it’s actually someone’s emotions that I stepped on. It was rude, period. I’d like to apologize to her in person.

On when he knew he’d screwed up:

As soon as I gave the mike back to her and she didn’t keep going.

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