
Michael Moore Is a Big, Fat Idiot Who Might Quit Making Documentaries


If I had known someone was actually listening when, immediately after viewing every Michael Moore movie, I looked toward the sky and said, “Dear God – and I’m talking to the real God here, by which I mean the Jewish one – please make this man quit poisoning minds with his sickening agit-prop,” I would have asked for something much more important, like money.

But you shouldn’t look a gift-God in the mouth, so I’ll just be happy that the corpulent Marxist might quit making documentaries. He teased the possibility at the Toronto International Film Festival. Mr. Moore’s passion for his art is waning – he’s been at it for twenty years, and yet America has still not remodeled itself in the image of truly fantastic socialist countries, like Cuba. Mike says he might go back to writing and directing fictional films. Lovely. Those cost a lot more than documentaries, and Michael Moore’s last swing-and-a-miss at the genre, Canadian Bacon, was a money-loser, so at least I can take comfort in the fact that once his films are demonstrated to be unprofitable, people will stop funding them. Yet another instance of the infallibility of the free market. Capitalism: a love story, indeed.

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One Response to Michael Moore Is a Big, Fat Idiot Who Might Quit Making Documentaries

  1. May 27, 2010 at 4:54 pm #

    Moore is just one more of the Socialist Liberal Hypocrite Club! Thank GOD there are those with enough brain matter to see through the propaganda these vile anti-American wurms spew forth. I believe America is awakening to the damage these Progressives have achieved during the last 80 years. Thanks to Obama being elected, they’re all being exposed by the light of TRUTH.

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