
Michael Douglas to Play Liberace, No Homo


Hey, Liberace fans – what the hell are you doing reading Starzlife?

I’ll be honest – I know nothing about Liberace from actually having seen or heard the man or his music. My slight familiarity with the man, like most people under 30, results from his status as the ultimate reference for anything gay, campy, or flashy, and his incongruous popularity in rap lyrics. (Jay-Z: “I moved from Levi’s to Guess to Versace, now it’s diamonds like Liberace…”) Anyway, Michael Douglas will be playing him in a new biopic. (And, for the record, that word is pronounced “bye-oh-pic,” not “bye-opic.”)

Steven Soderbergh will direct and Matt Damon will play Liberace’s boyfriend Scott Thorsen. Here’s a video to help explain what all the fuss is about:

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2 Responses to Michael Douglas to Play Liberace, No Homo

  1. September 16, 2009 at 5:35 pm #

    Don’t you mean, “like most people under 10,” Grant? Grow up. The term “homo” is offensive to many people, gay or otherwise, as you are clearly not gay-friendly. You need to open your mind and not live your life and form your opinions based on very worn stereotypes if you intend to write for public consumption.

  2. June 2, 2011 at 4:18 pm #

      Flamenco Tanka….
    Shirtless Matt-adore
    Whirl your bike helmet-for-bull,
    Twirl your red silk shirt,
    Pool-side by moonlight, ballet
    Lee key-dance Malaguena !

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