Here’s the Trailer for that Zac Efron Costume Drama About Early Orson Welles You’ve Been Dying For


Zac Efron, Jew (I point it out with pride), is sure to delight his fanbase of prepubescent girls afraid of sex with Me and Orson Welles, the tale of a young actor starring in a production of Julius Caesar directed by Orson Welles in 1937. Cha-ching!

Wake me when they adapt this into a feature film:

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One Response to Here’s the Trailer for that Zac Efron Costume Drama About Early Orson Welles You’ve Been Dying For

  1. September 14, 2011 at 10:15 pm #

    Zac Efron’s paternal grandfather was Jewish. His other grandparents were not Jewish.

    Zac does look like Logan Lerman, who is 100% Jewish.

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