What, So Now Taylor Swift Has to Be Harassed By Dumb, Unfunny, Shrieking Morning Radio DJs, Too?


Why is morning radio so unbearably god-awful? The only thing I can listen to before noon is NPR – I have limited interest in the plight of Vietnam’s rice paddy workers, but at least the story won’t be read to me by an abrasive buffoon screaming, “I mean, can YA BELIEVE that these guys bust their humps for TEN CENTS AN HOUR?  And YA JUST KNOW their DUMB BITCH OF A WIFE is spendin’ it faster than they earn it! THIS ONE IS FOR YOU GUYS! [“Working for the Weekend” plays]

The yucky man pictured is some goofball named Todd Schnitt who goes by the name “MJ” on his morning program. He did a phoner with Taylor Swift in which he attempted to ask Taylor about Kanye, only to have her politely ask him to move on THREE TIMES. Then Taylor walks away from the phone and the publicist takes over asking him to GTFOI (Get The F**K Over It).  Popeater doesn’t have an embed option for the clip, so click here.

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One Response to What, So Now Taylor Swift Has to Be Harassed By Dumb, Unfunny, Shrieking Morning Radio DJs, Too?

  1. September 19, 2009 at 11:51 pm #

    I’m sure you don’t give a flying *&^k about actually getting a real journalism job one day, or about the future of people with chronic or fatal diseases or disorders, but regardless, your writing is neither informative nor clever. Working at People magazine, I deal with celeb gossip all day, but this is NOT celeb news nor gossip. If you’re going to try to be the ‘bitchy’ blogger how about you actually write something clever?.. There is nothing entertaining about your ‘stories’ and I’ll be forwarding this, along with any others I find horrendous to our entire staff and will also cc any corporate sponsor I find on this site. Your writing represents you as a very dangerous person. I can’t help but think you are at home… in your trench coat.. buying weapons online, and waiting for the day YOUR name ends up in the news. You are really very scary, and your comments are very hateful, aside from that, there is absolutely nothing clever nor witty about your blogs. I’m a little shocked you still have a job. If your employers are smart, you won’t for long. I for one won’t be revisiting this site to check.

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