
Another Britney’s Greatest Hits Album to Drop, Hey Those Cut Off Shorts Don’t Pay For Themselves


Brit Brit‘s got a new collection coming out. Just in time for the holiday season, Britney Spears will release a “Best Of” collection which will feature a new single entitled “3”. This is the second time a Greatest Hits album has come out, “Greatest Hits: My Prerogative” was released in 2005.

The collection will come in regular size and ulta-mega-super fan size, the ultra-mega-super fan collection includes a DVD of her videos and will feature all 29 of Britney’s singles (versus the 17 on the regular CD). Of course, the ultra-mega-super fan CD will also come with a much bigger price tag. Perfect X-mas gift to ask Santa for!

The single “3” will hit radio waves on November 29, so you can listen to Britney as you drive home from your parents house after Thanksgiving, full of repressed hurt and anger.

I ain’t gonna lie. I CAN’T WAIT!!

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