
Shine On You Crazy, Sleazy Diamond: Screech’s Book is Here


Ugh. Dustin Diamond. He’s got a new tell-all out ripping the lid off Saved By the Bell. Among the sordid revelations: his fellow cast members did drugs. He claims that in between scenes, he “could smell a certain ‘smoke’ wafting from the crack” underneath castmates’ dressing room doors, a charge more interesting for its unintentional admission that he wasn’t invited to hang out and be cool with the other kids. You can pick up the new issue of US Weekly for more excerpts, and you can go to their website to read hate comments. I’ll also cut and paste some for you:

Dustin you are a jealous scumbag. You are just trying to get back into the public eye to be some kind of star..News flash!! It ain’t gonna happen. I wish Harvey would have beat you stupid ass you definitly deserve a major ass wooping. YOU SUCK!!

obviously his co-stars thought he was too much a geek to even be friends with in real life. sad that the dork not only made a sex tape, but has to come out with a book to survive. get a real job dude.

Diamond is a straight-up HATER! He’s bitter because he wasn’t the one getting any play. It’s only a part of Hollywood life that co-stars get together off screen, but I guess Dustin was left out. He’s a bitter man.

HAHA! Finally something everyone agrees on; he is a complete douche.

What a troll…sounds like someone’s bitter because no one wanted to hook up with him. Gross

Someone get this socially retarded attention whore a job application. I hope he can flip burgers. Sounds like someone is a little bitter over the fact that ALL of his SBTB costars are STILL in the business and SUCCESSFUL(ish). One word can some up ‘Screech’. Pathetic.

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