
Foxy Brown Gives Superhead!


Jailbird rapper Foxy Brown AKA Inga Fung Marchand, has a new video release… and it’s not what you think.

Foxy showcases her oral skills in a new romantic video cryptically titled ‘Superhead.’ Here we get to see exactly what Foxy does with her mouth when it’s not rapping, spitting at hotel workers, or eating jail food!

Diehard fans deny it’s her, but we know Miss Inga’s no lady, having been arrested for spitting, cussing, punching airport security, nearly running over a baby, and most famously for attacking manicurists over her tacky-ass acrylics. All her rap sheet was missing was a sex tape…. TA DAA! And she’s back in business, ladies and gentlemen!

Click on the link for the NSFW clip courtesy of forbezdvd.com and yeah baby, watch Foxy get nasty!


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