
Innkeeper Alert! Randy Quaid is Out on Bail


If you own an inn, hotel, motel, or safe house for bail jumpers, don’t be tempted to rent it to Randy Quaid. He and his partner in crime/matrimony, Evi Quaid, are out on $20,000 bail following their arrest for charges of burglary, defrauding an innkeeper, and conspiracy. They were personally driven to the bank, sans handcuffs, by Presidio Country Sheriff Danny Dominguez to get their bail money. Well, it’s nice to see that at least Randy Quaid doesn’t need to patronize one of those bail bondsmen that advertise on rap radio stations here in Los Angeles. (Although it would make sense – they’re called “All Star Bail Bonds,” which makes it sounds like they work exclusively with celebrities. Maybe he did call, but they wouldn’t agree to spring his unfamous wife.)

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