
How Did This Guy Not Win American Idol?


Is it too late for a re-count!?

Adam Lambert hasn’t even released an official single yet, and his album doesn’t hit the shelves until November 24th, but the Lambz have spoken and he already has a #1 selling album on Amazon.com based on pre sales alone.

The funny thing here, Lambert’s record label hasn’t even done any promotions or announced the pre-sale yet!!!

Could we be potentially looking at a pushed forward release date due to buzz and guaranteed sales?

Where’s your number 1 album, Kris Allen?

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7 Responses to How Did This Guy Not Win American Idol?

  1. October 1, 2009 at 6:20 am #

    How did Adam not win American Idol……very simply Arkansas and AT&T. Also university students jamming his phone lines.

  2. October 1, 2009 at 11:22 am #

    You almost hit the nail on the head, Melanie, though AT&T were the least to blame. The number of phones they supplied would have hardly made a dent in the total number of votes but the number of Arkansas fans attending the Kris Allen voting parties since top four week made all the difference and the actions of those who found a way to block phone lines and then boasted about it all over the net was despicable and definitely needs to be looked into.

    Still, what goes around comes around. They got Kris the win but what good has it done him? It has only put him in a position that he can’t live up to and will forever be embarrassed by.

  3. October 1, 2009 at 3:53 pm #

    I agree Carole. I had no trouble voting for Adam all during the Idol competition. I never had any trouble in any previous years of Idol either. Even the finale between the two Davids, got right through each time I called in. THIS years finale I couldn’t get through one damn time in over 3 hours. How is that possible? If fans of Kris could get through as many times as they have “bragged” about, then I was wondering, what gives? THEN I read about how they were bragging about how they had learned how to “block” the phone lines and then it made sense. My son, who is in college and a electronic expert told me this can be done. So that is why Adam did not win American Idol. But like Carole said, what goes around comes around. Kris fans just hurt him in the long run. Adam has fans world wide and it is now being shown to all. That is why he is number one on Amazon with a record that hasn’t even been released yet, without any title, any media coverage, and TV or Internet talk. It was all done by word of mouth by his devoted fans. Poor Kris, his fans did him no favor. I do believe he needed to win or I don’t think he would have this much help getting a record out. Adam didn’t need to win, but he DESERVED TO WIN BASED ON TALENT like Simon said.

  4. October 1, 2009 at 5:29 pm #

    Have to agree with you Charley…Adam is unique..I voted for him for 4 hours and honestly..I got in a total of 22 votes…they really need to change the voting to 1 per phone…that would give the rightful winner the crown…but in all honesty I think Adam is better off in 2nd…he is not tied to AI for long…and that’s a good thing….So I truly believe he did Win…Congratulations Adam …..

  5. October 1, 2009 at 5:33 pm #

    What is most amazing about Adam’s pre-sales hitting #1 is that even Amazon did not make it easy to find his CD to pre-order. First, it didn’t show up at all on a search under his name, it was only when diligent fans found the link did the pre-ordering begin on Sunday morning and within hours he was at #4 and by the end of Monday he was at #1. Amazon still did nothing to help. A search on “Adam Lambert” required going to page 2 behind 20 non-Adam-related listings to find his CD for pre-order and a search for “Adam Lambert CD” had HIS CD as the 14th item behind a whole lot of other people’s stuff. Repeated requests made to Amazon to fix this search error went unheeded until today when it finally shows up as #2 behind some lame recording by a Florida group who used Adam’s name in the title of their CD just to get sales. Isn’t that illegal? If Adam can hit #1 two months before his album is released with NO promo, NO PR, no single and no help from Amazon or his label, I can hardly imagine how stratospheric sales will be once there is at least something besides the faith and enthusiasm of his fans to boost them.

  6. October 1, 2009 at 5:50 pm #

    he is so beautiful and his voice is heaven sent. Kris is the AI – Arkansas Idol
    Adam is the WI – World Idol

  7. October 1, 2009 at 6:37 pm #

    This pisses me off all over again. Lynn, this is exactly why Adam fans can are so hostile at times. Both Adam and we fans have been dealt so many unfair blows it not even funny. I know I text voted for Adam over 1000 times and tried on numerous occasions to phone votes in.

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