
Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel; The 2010 (Non) Celebs Apprentice Cast

America_We_DeserveForget ‘The America’, how about the Television we deserve Mr Trump?

Welfare parents paid good money for their digital converter boxes, and this is the crap they’re getting for their $19?

Proving that you really can go one step lower than the D-list, this Celebrity Apprentice season, stars (and we use that word very very loosely) a cast worse than the Dancing With The Stars line up.

Holly Robinson has-been Peete, Bret Michaels and his weave, Darryl got meth Strawberry, Curtis (cable tv chef) Stone, Rob yes the hair is mine Blagojevich, Maria Kanellis (who?) and Sharon Osbourne (well, she hasn’t been on this reality show yet).

On the upside, with Brett, Blago and The Donald all on one show, the ladies will have a lot of hair products to choose from!

Then there’s Cyndi Lauper, she is still fabulous, and probably just has a CD to push, hopefully she’ll be fired early so she doesn’t have to spend too much time with these losers.

Other unemployed Americans celebrities we’ve heard of  but have no idea who they are, Bill Goldberg, Carol Leifer, and Summer Sanders will also unstar on the show.

Celebrity Apprentice will  make you feel famous, even from home, in Spring 2010 on NBC.

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