
Jermaine Jackson’s Ex-Wife Claims His Baby Momma Is Supported By His Momma

main-103No – that’s not Ex-Wife, Alejandra, that’s his new piece!
According to reports Alejandra Jackson, ex wife of Jermaine Jackson has filed ‘dead beat dad’ documents on the once cute, now frightening looking Jackson Bro.

The Mother of Jermaine’s two boys, Jermajesty and Jaffar claims that Mj’s older Brother, and ‘When the Rain Begins to Fall’ hitmaker, owes her $35,550 in child support.

Just fyi: Jermaine’s kids weren’t the freaky looking nose-jobbed Jackson nephews in the pics below:


Jermaine’s kids are actually cute and seem well adjusted.


We think their Mom deserves a whole lot more than 35K for not just raising these kids,  but for breaking family tradition and keeping Jermajesty & Jaffar’s noses intact… so far.

Jaffar? Wasn’t he the the baddie  in Aladdin?  What the hell is up with this family?

The legal docs state that Watchtower wanderer and Michael Jackson Estate Executor, Katherine Jackson has been helping out, by sending Ralphs Gift Cards.

Apparently the Great Grandmother and Joe Jackson punching bag wife,  sends over gift cards in $300  to $400 increments. We hope Alejandraa has  Ralphs Club Card, because that plus double coupons will  really help her gift cards go further!

Alejandra also says that Jermaine is a big old liar and that when he claimed he only made $35,000 in 2008, he seemed to have no trouble paying for the up-keep on their tacky-ass Calabasas home.


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One Response to Jermaine Jackson’s Ex-Wife Claims His Baby Momma Is Supported By His Momma

  1. October 12, 2011 at 8:45 am #

    To-maine Jackson is a loser. He’s already dissed his religion, his American Heritage and where he “used ” to call home, maybe the deal is to his current “wife” you have ME , YOU pay…. 
    It don’t look like he is in any danger of not having a few changes of some Silk Indian Coats,
    , shoes always look pretty good. His Mama slips him a few green backs , I’ll betcha’..  he’s HER SNITCH cry  baby……. He thinks he is a stud…Please for me, just once, wash that goop out of your  hair  give the Doo Rags a rest.  I think they must have been too tight for a long time ..Turn it loose, trim it down , let some air get in it and wipe the Gel and grease  off your neck. I still love you because of who you were when we all met you , Michael, Jackie, Tito, Marlon,Randy and Janet.  The Fabulous Jackson 5 .. ..The Jackson’s..  The King of Pop..

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