
Michael Lohan Is Still “Reaching Out”


You know the end of the world is near when you’re siding with Dina Lohan on parenting skills. But hey, we’ll say it loud and proud: Michael Lohan is one scary mother trucker!

Father Of The Year AKA Lindsay Lohan‘s deadbeat dad angrily fired back at a statement that ex-wife Dina Lohan made about Michael’s loose-lipped ways. Proclaimed a defensive Michael:

Please get this out. Dina can attack me and say whatever she wants, but when she makes statements like, ‘I need to focus on being a parent,’ I think she needs to reach deep inside herself, get out of HER state of denial and be a parent herself. I am taking LEGAL proactive steps, Dina. What are you doing beside lying, making excuses and putting Ali in the same position YOU put Lindsay in. Shall I even begin to play all the tapes of our many conversations about how Lindsay needs intervention, what a good father I am, and how you always loved me. Do you want Linds or your EX boyfriend to hear them? Use that loser David all you want. Your comments and sources don’t work. Be a REAL parent, the one you were when we were married and let’s save our daughter and give her her life back.

No Michael, you are a pathetic, fame-hungry, child-whoring, ignorant excuse for a father who is probably the sole cause for Lindsay’s self-destruction. By shooting your mouth off to the media about personal family issues, you are escalating your daughter’s downward spiral moreso.

Wait – where’s our soapbox?! No, seriously, will somebody please give Michael Lohan an intervention? If only for those awful mom jeans and Burlington Coat Factory clearance rack jackets, turtlenecks and fanny belts. You may be from Long Island, but do you really still have to dress like The Karate Kid?

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