
Brit Settles With Paparazzo’s Foot


The case of Britney Spears and the ran over paparazzo’s foot has finally been settled according to the courts.

The incident happened in 2007, when Britney was mid breakdown, and THE paparazzi magnet.   A group of photographers were a little too close to her car as she was trying to drive away and one of them took a size 20 to their own foot.

He waited until 4 months ago to finally file the lawsuit, clearly not thinking maybe that since Britney just finished a successful tour she’d have a ton of extra money in the bank or anything, and the case was settled out of court earlier this week.

How much do you think Britney had to pay to settle this one?

2 years later, no long term injuries, I think Subway and a pack of smokes would probably be enough.

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