
Aubrey O’Day Quitting Music Thanks to Diddy?

“I’ve lost that loving feeling a little bit with the situation that introduced me to the industry. I think that all of us took [from ‘Making the Band’] what we did — some of us don’t want to be a part of this anymore, while it made others of us fight harder. We were these young girls that believed in a dream and thought life would be fair — but life isn’t fair. When you start to realize life isn’t fair, what do you do: curl up and die or fight every second of the way?


It seems like in every interview Aubrey O’Day is such a wet blanket.

Always down in the dumps over something.  Well this time it’s no different.

Aubrey was interviewed by the New York Post on a number of topics, including life after Peepshow to which she said she has considered leaving the music business for good.

“I’ve lost that loving feeling a little bit with the situation that introduced me to the industry. I think that all of us took [from ‘Making the Band’] what we did — some of us don’t want to be a part of this anymore, while it made others of us fight harder. We were these young girls that believed in a dream and thought life would be fair — but life isn’t fair. When you start to realize life isn’t fair, what do you do: curl up and die or fight every second of the way?

Boo hoo cry me a river.

Just because nobody liked your girl-group, doesn’t mean you have to throw in the towel!

To check out the rest of the interview, click here.

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