
David Boreanaz Caught With Hand in the Cookie Jar?


It may have looked like a fun loving family outing when we spotted David Boreanaz and his wife and kids out at Mr. Bones pumpkin patch a week ago, but that could all be changing soon according to a new report.

Star Magazine is reporting that David had been in a fling with an NYC party planner, Rachel Uchitel, since last spring when he met her at the club that was hosting his 40th birthday party.   All while his wife was pregnant with their daughter, Bardot, born just six weeks ago.

The mag claims Boreanaz met Uchitel and asked her for her number to meet him for a drink. She gave him her card, and when they met they had a major connection.  Says the source;

“David would walk in the door, and they’d have sex right away.  He told her, ‘Every time I have sex with you is like the first time.’”

Their brief fling came to an end when Rachel got sick of having to share him with his wife and kids (go figure), but even more so when his wife was giving birth to Bartot, and David was calling Rachel in NYC to give her the updates.  The source adds “That grossed her out, because she felt that should have been private.”

So is this guy busted?  Or just a case of another chick trying to make a buck and a name.  You’d think she’d at least go after someone a little more famous if that was the case.  But who knows, this is Hollywood!

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