
Newsflash: Anna Nicole Was Prescribed “Excessive” Drugs

This may come as a shock to fans of the late bombshell, but Anna Nicole Smith was, basically, a drug addict.

Yesterday, “pain management” expert Dr. James Gagne testified that Anna’s doctor, Dr. Sandeep Kapoor wrote multiple prescriptions for Anna, including Dilaudid, often known as “hospital heroine,” methadone and sedatives known as benzodiazopines.

When Smith had a minor fall, what did Dr. Kapoor do? Says Dr. Gagne:

Dr. Kapoor prescribed large amounts of Dilaudid, the strongest opiate available. Dilaudid is a highly abused drug. It can cause people to stop breathing.

And couldn’t the doctor tell that Anna was, um, somewhat “over-medicated” by her erratic public behavior? You would think!


Says Dr. Gagne:

It was an enormous red flag with sound effects. Here we have someone appearing in a public place grossly intoxicated. Prescribing opiates to such a person is feeding the addiction, not treating the underlying pain.

Gagne was testifying to determine whether Kapoor and two other defendants (all who are pleading not guilty) should go to trial for charges that they illegally provided drugs to Smith.

Um, duh!

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