
Sandra Bernhard On Gay Marriage: “We Need To Stop Doing Straight People’s Hair”

Joy Behar‘s talk show (yeah, she has one) invited three sassy gals on to a gay-themed panel t’other day. The three gals in question? Aisha Tyler (um, OK… next!), Fran Drescher, and our favorite, Sandra Bernhard!

When the talk turned to gay marriage, and the gay community’s anger towards Obama‘s lack of action, Sandra had these choice words to say:

I love Obama, but I feel like he’s aways too quiet.

And when Aisha Tyler tried to calm her down by saying that we need to give Obama “more time,” and that he’s “so busy,” (and every other excuse under the sun designed to keep gays at the back of the bus), Sandra ripped her a new one.

Proclaimed the outspoken lesbo:

Here’s the bottom line. Here’s what we need to do. We need to stop doing straight people’s hair. We need to stop decorating their homes. We need to stop designing their clothes. And then we’ll see how quickly they come around and let us have gay marriage. Because we do everything that makes them looks chic and hot and hip.

Hey, sounds like a plan. Go Sandra!

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One Response to Sandra Bernhard On Gay Marriage: “We Need To Stop Doing Straight People’s Hair”

  1. November 19, 2009 at 6:00 am #

    What if straight dentists refuse to treat Bernhard

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