
Robert Pattinson Can’t Stand His Own Stench


The Twilight promotional schedule has got Robert Pattinson on the move 24/7 and even he admits he gets a little hard to be around after a few days on the go.

In a recent interview with The UK’s New! magazine, Pattinson spoke about how he’s gotten to the point where he rarely changes his clothes anymore while on the road.  He tells the mag;

“These jeans are a few days old,” he says. “But the top is probably fresh because it gets to the point where even I can’t stand the air around me. I don’t know, my personal hygiene – it’s so disgusting!”

Good to know for all you girls tho.  All you’re missing out on is the smell of a 3 day old t-shirt.

What we do learn from all of this is that Kristen Stewart must enjoy her boys dirty.  Not surprising.

So ladies, would you still?

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