
Happy Controversial Album Release Day Adam Lambert!


Two words!  Marketing. Genius.

Adam Lambert’s album makes a strange Monday debut today, and not without a little bit of controversy!

Adam performed his new single For Your Entertainment at last night’s American Music Awards, and people are up in arms over it!

In fact; here’s a comment we got on the site already this morning;

Adam Lambert’s performance tonight was absolutely disgusting. He did not WIN (2nd Place) American Idol with antics that he performed tonight. He may live that Decadent lifestyle but I don’t believe he will go far with performing that way for the general public (maybe in his own little world) I used to think some of the RAP music was bad, but he topped ‘em all. And, even his voice was nothing more than Screaming. What a shame for such a ‘beautiful voice’ to be WASTED. And, to think I voted every time for him on American Idol just to hear and SEE this crap tonight. Hope my judgment will be better in the future. He ought to be ashamed of himself, but then again, that’s his style, he sure fooled the Public. JMH

Haven’t seen it yet?  Well Adam did some provocative and sexually subjective things, including a few crotch grabs, an oral simulation with a male backup dancer, and making out with someone else in the show.

Bits and pieces were edited out before the west coast feed, but don’t think you’ll be getting any apologies from Lambert.  In fact, he’s already released a statement;

“You know honestly, if I offended some people… it’s apples and oranges. I’m not an artist that does things for every single person. I believe in artistic freedom and expression, I believe in honoring the lyrics of a song, and those lyrics aren’t really for everybody either.”

“There’s a big double standard, female pop artists have been doing things provocative like that for years, and the fact that I’m a male, and I’ll be edited and discriminated against could be a problem.

“People are scared and it’s really sad, I just wish people could open their minds up and enjoy things, it’s all for a laugh, it’s really not that big of a deal.”

He’s got a point!  People should stop being such wet blankets and realize it’s not that big of a deal!  We never question Britney’s stage antics, or Madonna’s…

Voice wasted?  Not so much.

Make sure to pick up Adam’s CD today on iTunes!

Check out the performance in question below.

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