
Lohan Will Remain As “Artistic Advisor” To Ungaro


As difficult as it is to believe, Lindsay Lohan will maintain her post as “Artistic Advisor” to European fashion powerhouse, Ungaro.

Despite overseeing a debut line that looked like possum wear for coke whores, Lindsay’s “direction” gave Ungaro some much-needed publicity. And apparently the clothes sold! Who was buying them? Dina?!

Says president and chief executive Mounir Moufarrige:

Yes (she’s staying on), she has a job to do. The criticism was harsh. I am sure we can do better in the collection to be honest but I think it was harsh … But it did sell well.

This, of course, is a 180 from label head Ungaro, who called Lindsay’s job a “disaster.”

Design director Lindsay is staying quiet and hasn’t released a pip squeak. We can’t wait for her sophomore effort. But we’re sure the 23 year-old is busy, holed-up at home, sketching and staying in, getting ready for fashion week.

Yeah right!

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