
Catch the Zombie Carnage and Steve-O’s Nascent Parkinson’s in 3-D: Zombieland and Jackass Sequels on the Way


Variety is reporting that follow-ups to the smash Zombieland and the ball-smashing Jackass are on the way. Get your glasses – they’re in 3-D!

“Everyone had fun watching (the first) ‘Zombieland’; making it a more visceral experience can only make it better,” said the film’s producer Gavin Polone. “I don’t think you want to see ‘Ordinary People’ in 3-D. But ‘Zombieland’ is clearly one movie that will benefit from (the technique).”‘

Speak for yourself, Gavin: I only want to watch Ordinary People in 3-D: it might actually get me to sit through it. Eh, that’s not true; the medium is overrated. You know what’s in 3-D all the time? Waking life. zzzzzzzzz

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