
Showbiz Conservatives Want Al Gore to Give Back His Oscar Now That We All Know Global Warming Is Fake


If you haven’t heard, a series of recently leaked emails revealed that British climatologists at the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit suppressed data that didn’t support the theory of global warming. Now two of Hollywood’s eight conservatives want Al Gore’s Oscar rescinded. Hey, even if it’s revealed that global warming is a hoax and that we can burn styrofoam for fuel without worry, Al Gore’s Oscar is way down on the list of ones that need to be returned. Let’s start with Crash and move on from there.

Two Hollywood conservatives have called on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to rescind the Oscar that it gave ex-Vice President Al Gore two years ago for the environmental movie “An Inconvenient Truth.”Roger L. Simon and Lionel Chetwynd, both Academy members, are among a small pack of known political conservatives in the liberal bastion of movie-making, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Simon, a screenwriter who is also chief executive officer of Pajamas Media, a network of conservative online blogs, told The Times he knew of no precedent for the Academy withdrawing a previously awarded Oscar. But, he added, “I think they should rescind this one.

Calm down. At least the argument over global warming actually has contradictory evidence to support both sides. Elisabeth Hasselbeck doesn’t believe in evolution and is walking around with a daytime Emmy.

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