
Score Team Jacob! Taylor Lautner Lands Action Flick



Nikki Finke tells us that Taylor Lautner is going to play Max Steel. Never heard of it? Ditto. Wikipedia, enlighten us all:

Max Steel is a Sci-Fi–action, CGI, animated series which originally aired on February 25, 2000 – January 15, 2002. Season 3’s airdates have been difficult to find, but according to “Crackle”, the last episode “Truth Be Told” aired January 15, 2002. Max Steel ran for three seasons totaling thirty-five episodes with a predicted audience of young males from the ages of eight to twelve, but a series of Direct to Television movies have kept constant the presence of the main character since it’s initial creation up to 2009. 

You had to see this coming: we’ve run out of good kids toys to make movies out of. In other news, Robert Pattinson just signed on to star in Furby, while Kristen Stewart has landed the lead role in a movie about those waving porcelain cats that greet you at the door of Asian-owned establishments.

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