
Sherri Shepherd Says She Ain’t Homophobic; Says Woman Beating OK, Cheating Not


Sherri Shepherd, The View co-host angrily made her point today: She’s ain’t homophobic. The slur comes after she publically angrily derided Adam Lambert for offending ABC viewers.

The Precious actor, who hasn’t made much sense lately (she said she’d give Chris Brown another chance but moronically told viewers that she wouldn’t buy Tiger Woods’ NIKE sneakers) frequently litters her god-loving views with dumber-than-dumb contradictions.

Addressing the angry viewers who wrote and called in to the View, Sherri told the studio audience:

It had nothing to do with the man. I would have problem if I saw Madonna, Janet doing [the same.] I didn’t like it. Everybody bombarded my twitter.”

Well, at the very least, we applaud the woman who thought the world was square, just for knowing what the word homophobic means.

Adam Lambert appears on The View later this week. We predict some juicy conversating!

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