
Madonna’s Son David May Be A Friend Of Dorothy’s


Madonna recently talked to a morning TV show about her four show-lovin’ kids… and it seems the apple don’t fall far from the British accented-tree when it comes to dressing up like a lady and singing Spanish tunes in flamenco gowns.

Except she’s talking about her son.

When asked “Which of your kids is your biggest fan?” Maddy replied:

David. He knows every song, every word, every step, and he wants to wear all the costumes. He likes my dress that I wear in “Ha Isla.” That’s what he calls it.

Congratulations Madonna! You have what you’ve always wanted. A gay son!

It is, after all, a historic rite that every diva in history have a gay son. Barbra Streisand: Check. Cher: Check (Twice), Marie Osmond. (OK, we’re reaching now.)

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