
It Vants to Suck You Dry: Beward Twilight Casting Scam


Hey, Twi-hards, if you’ve received an email about casting extras for Breaking Dawn and were planning on showing up, get those stars out of your eyes and that white pancake make-up off your face. It’s a scam.

Fraudulent e-mails announcing casting calls for “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn,” have been flooding the inboxes of fanpires across the country, according to The Casting Scoop.

“First of all, I knew it wasn’t credible because ‘Breaking Dawn’ doesn’t go into production for several months, so no casting director would have been hired yet,” says casting director Lana Veenker, who handled Northwest casting on the first “Twilight” film. “Also, the shoot location hasn’t even been announced! How would anyone even know which city or country to be casting in?”

Come on, female eighth graders, how naive about Hollywood are you?! The casting process is free. You never pay for auditions. You pay for headshots. NOT TO THE PERSON HOLDING THE AUDITION. That’s another scam.

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