
Jersey Shore Clock-Cleaner Unmasked


If you’re wondering who punches Snooky in the clip being used to tease this season of Jersey Shore , it’s a high school gym teacher. Wow, Jersey Shore really does reinforce negative stereotypes. I’ve always considered teaching gym to be how violent alcoholics spread misery during daylight hours. From the Post:

The drunken lout seen sucker-punching a “Jersey Shore” hottie in a video clip gone viral is a New York City public school teacher, The Post has learned.

And the sudden right cross seen across the Internet has earned Queens gym teacher Brad Ferro a technical knockout — he’s been moved out of class and into one of the Department of Education’s teacher reassignment centers, also known as a “rubber room,” agency officials confirmed.

Oh man, I just Googled “rubber room” – it’s like teacher prison except you keep getting paid your full salary. Seriously, read this. I might have to quit this job, become a teacher, and punch a student on day one. Then I could sit around all day reading websites.

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