
Kanye West = FAIL


Can we please starting considering the use of “fail” as an instance of “fail”? It’s so damn played-out and unfunny I’m surprised Michael Scott hasn’t said it yet on The Office. I had to use it in this headline. Sorry.

Anyway, Kanye West has just been named 2009’s “King of Fail” by FAIL blog, “winning” both FAIL person and moment of the year. I’ve listed the top moments below, head to the blog for the top people:

Top 10 Most Memorable FAIL Moments of 2009:

1. Kanye West’s Outburst at the Video Music Awards 37%
2. Bolivian Newscast Airs “Lost” Scene as Flight 447’s Last Moments 13%
3. Richard Heene’s Balloon Boy Hoax 11%
4. Photo Opportunity for Air Force One Mistaken for Terrorist Attack 8%
5. Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Tries to Sell Obama’s Senate Seat 7%
6. Northwest Flight to Minneapolis Overshoots Airport by 150 Miles 7%
7. Gordon Brown’s Hand Shake Fail 4%
8. Christian Bale’s Freak Out on Terminator Set 3%
9. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Affair with Argentinean 3%
10. White House Crashers Michaele and Tareq Salahi 2%

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