
Mom And Daughter Candy And Tori: They’re Just Like Us!


Yep, they’re just a regular mother daughter couple who grrrr…. argue a lot. But hey, they make up too!

At least, that’s the Pinocchio-concocted tall tale Candy Spelling is spinning to – who else? the tabloids!

Says The Mother Of The Year:

We both decided to [communicate] privately, so I know that everyone will respect that because it kind of got out of hand when it wasn’t the other way.

Please! You’re a triple face-lifted ATM! That’s the only reason Tori talks to you. She wants your money, Gramma!

Poor oblivious Candy doesn’t pick up those signals. But she is preparing her gift wrapping room for the blessed holidays. (You know, when she starts spitting out twenties.) Says Grandma Candy:

Of course, I have to have things for them to unwrap, so they know coming to grandma’s is a fun place where I have their toys and they get new toys. But I don’t let them take them home. They have to play with them at my house.

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