
Lindsay Saves India; Returns To The US


Lindsay Lohan has returned from her Stop The Child Trafficking Tour of India, and is safe and well in L.A.

The philanthropic actress – who just take home next year’s Nobel Peace prize – appeared at LAX this weekend looking tired but happy after a long journey saving lives.

Except did she?

Lohan, who is filming a documentary for the BBC about child trafficking, tweeted:

Over *40 children saved* so far…… Within one day’s work…… This is what life is about….. Doing THIS is a life worth living!!!”

Continued the tireless Mother Of Theresa-like star:

Focusing on celebs and lies is so disconcerting, when we can be changing the world one child at a time…. hope everyone can see that.”

Unfortunately, reports have surfaced that Lindsay wasn’t even India at the time of the child “sting,” and the BBC have issued a statement that she meant she was “contributing” to the help, not actively participating.

Expect Lindsay’s BBC documentary on Blockbuster shelves late next year.

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