
Russell Brand Explains the Miracle of Christmas


Leave it to trusty Rusty to solve one of the great debates of our time…

Here’s the story of Christmas in 140 characters or less times 4, as told by Russell Brand on his Twitter.

What’s that? A boy child? Born in a stable? That kid needs a gift- where’s my bloody Myhr! I mean Mer. Murgh. Actually he can have socks.

The hotel is busy. If you want you can go and give birth in the barn. What? No you can’t have my bed- my wife and I have sex in that.

And in 33 years you’re going to? Nail him to a what!? But we get chocolate eggs for that. I see. Where’s my hammer I’ll do it now.

Then after 3 days he comes back again? Do we get more eggs? Bloody hell- this Holy-child is complicated- let’s just get a dog.

It is quite the strange story when you think about it…

Speaking of Russell Brand and Christmas.  Look what’s underneath his tree.


Ho Ho Ho!


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