
Joe Francis Gone Wild; Plans To Sue Gawker


Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis is livid at Gawker for calling him a “rapist.” (And a douche – but he’s not as mad at that.)

Francis is threatening to sue Gawker.com for ten million big ones after he was labeled a rapist in the site’s “Douche of the Decade” poll (which he won).

Wrote Francis:

You messed with the wrong guy. No one makes up lies about me and gets away with it. I lost a $10 million deal as a direct result of you calling me ‘a rapist.’ You will be paying me every dime of that back and more! Are you mentally retarded? Do your research first. I am coming after you harder than I ever went after anyone. I am going to wipe you off the grid!!!! YOU ARE DONE! I will take everything you have. You, Nick Denton, are truly the douche of the decade. Merry Xmas IDIOT!!!”

Despite the fact that Joe Francis has never been charged with rape, Gawker has no plans to retract or take down their story. To add salt to the wound, Francis attached a shirtless picture in the email to Gawker founder Nick Denton, saying:

I sent you an updated picture of how I look now . . . because you seem to be quite sexually obsessed with me.

The picture’s above. What do you think? Hot Douche? Or Cold Douche?

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